Thursday 29 July 2021

Moroccan Rugs: Different Styles and Types

You have probably heard of Moroccan rugs. Perhaps you even have one or want one for your home. But did you know that there are different types and styles of Moroccan rugs that have evolved over the years? Yes, there is a wide selection that differs in the way they were created, where they are from, and what the designs look like.

If you are interested in learning about the different types and styles of Moroccan rugs, you are in the right place, as Atlas Weavers will share a quick guide for you. This will help you decide which one is the most suitable for your aesthetic:


Moroccan Rugs

What Is a Moroccan Rug?

A Moroccan rug is an exquisite rug that is designed and crafted by talented Berber women. It has been considered a representation of different Moroccan cultures and beliefs. They show the artistic capabilities of the local crafters and highlight the diversity of their traditions and cultures.

Beni Ourain Moroccan Rug (Middle Atlas)

Coming from the Middle Atlas region of Morocco, the rugs from Beni Ourain are the most comfortable ones you’ll find. They can add a sense of luxury to any space. They are crafted from 100% sheep wool and are dyed naturally, too. They are perfect for those who want to achieve a natural yet sophisticated look in their home. 

Azilal Moroccan Rug (High Atlas)

Rugs from the Azilal region tell stories through the creative patterns and bold colors they use. The base of an Azilal rug is a light shade of ivory, white, or cream, which is the natural undyed shade of the wool used. It is then woven with bright, naturally dyed wool to create incredible designs. 

Boucherouite Moroccan Rug (All Tribes)

If you’re looking for a fun and colorful Moroccan rug, your best bet is the Boucherouite rug which can quickly transform any living space. Each rug is unique as it depicts the creativity of the Berber Moroccan crafter who made it. It can add an artistic and cultural flair to your home.

Beni M’guild (Middle Atlas)

Because it can get cold during winter in the western Middle Atlas region of Morocco, the Beni M’guild people create rugs that are thick enough to provide them with warmth and protection. These are handwoven by Berber women crafters using a vertical loom, so they usually have simple geometric designs that run across the carpet. The background of Beni M’guild rugs is often brown, red, and white, but you’ll also find blue ones. 

Boujad (Central Plains)

These handwoven pile rugs come from the Haouz region in the Middle Atlas. Boujad rugs are made with soft wool that is naturally dyed in distinct shades of red, orange, and blush pink. 

Kilim Moroccan Rug (All Tribes)

Handwoven rugs that are pileless, Kilim rugs are made using a flat-weaving technique. Compared to other rugs, they are less thick, but they’re durable, too. Because they are hand-made, they are often considered the self-expression of the crafter. So, if you want something unique, then you should choose a Kilim rug because you’ll get a one-of-a-kind piece!

Zanafi Rugs (Ouarzazate Region)

Zanafi rugs come from the region of Morocco that’s just in the South of Marrakech. These are flat-woven rugs, too. They are best known for their earthy brown and ivory color and cubic patterns. 


As you can see, there are different types and styles of Moroccan rugs to choose from. Whichever one you choose, you’ll surely enjoy a rug that doesn’t just add to your home’s aesthetics but also lend a sense of culture to your space. They’re great conversation pieces, too! Just make sure that you get authentic Moroccan rugs from a trusted source.

Atlas Weavers are your best source of authentic Moroccan rugs. You can be sure that every rug is crafted by artistic Berber women. Check out our Moroccan rug collections today, choose what suits your home the best, and we’ll have it delivered to your home!


Wednesday 21 July 2021

Necessary Information About Caring for a Moroccan Rug

When you get a Moroccan woven rug in your possession, you pretty much have a unique work of art on your hands. These come in a plethora of colors and textures that are nothing short of inspiring. With all of that beauty and craftsmanship, however, comes an issue that baffles many people: care.

Moroccan Beni rug


Moroccan Rug Maintenance

It's pretty much a given that you have a need to keep your Moroccan rug clean and well-maintained. There are several ways to go about it. Many people, understandably, go with the two-step Moroccan tradition:

  • Hang rug for a few hours in direct sunlight
  • Shake any remaining dirt and dust

It's a great way for your Moroccan rug to stay in good shape. However, when there are stains involved, it can get pretty scary. A lot of people have a tendency to just flat-out ignore stains because they're worried about damaging their Moroccan rug or ruining it flat-out. 

Read on for necessary information about caring for a Moroccan rug:

  • Vacuuming: Avoid rotating bristle brushes when you use a vacuum to clean your rug. Regularly using a vacuum will allow for excess fuzz and dirt to be removed easily. Use a stationary vacuum whose brush has an edge that is soft. Don't forget that you can (and should) include the rug's underside when you vacuum.
  • Cleaning Solutions: Avoid carpet cleaning solutions that are typically found in supermarkets and similar outlets. While they can seem to be a great answer to your problem, chances are, they're not compatible. Wool fibers will not respond well to such harsh chemicals, leaving you with a damaged Moroccan rug.
  • Spot Cleaning: Deal with small stains through spot cleaning. Before actually going through with it, run a small test on the area. Otherwise, you may end up with running colors, which won't necessarily be considered damage, but will distort how your rugs look.
  • Wool Material: Most Moroccan rugs are generally made up of wool. A number of others have cotton incorporated. In some cases, synthetic materials are also involved. Out of all that, wool is the most common, primary component.
  • Washing: Washing Morrocan rugs is possible with great caution. There are ways to go about doing it that prevent any possible damage in the process. Professional cleaners will know what to do; send your rugs their way at least once a year.

Deep Damage

Sometimes, the unavoidable happens no matter how careful we are. An accident can lead your Moroccan rug to end up with considerable damage. This can be anything from the spillage of red wine, to pet waste, or even muddy tracks.

In those cases, the ideal way of handling things is to just let the experts handle it. Find reputable cleaning professionals, preferably ones with some experience in handling similar rugs.


Moroccan rugs are essentially works of art: they're quite colorful and come in a number of textures. Understandably, figuring out how to care for them can seem worrisome. Traditionally, they're best off hung out to air dry under direct sunlight with a quick shake before they're brought back inside. However, vacuuming regularly with the right brush/attachment works just as well. In cases with deep damage, it's best to turn it over to professional cleaners.

Trying to find high-quality Moroccan rugs? Shop at Atlas Weavers today! We are a fair trade artisan project and a premier supplier of authentic Moroccan decorative rugs.


Thursday 15 July 2021

Unsure How to Decorate With Kilim Rugs: Here Are Some Ideas

Kilim rugs have recently taken off and become a trendy accent piece in Western interior decoration. These Moroccan rugs have many cousins in different parts of the world—there are kilim rugs from the Balkans, the Middle East, Northern India, Pakistan, and Central Asia.

Kilim Rug


Kilim rug-making is a highly regarded folk art; these rugs are handmade, and their designs are completed using organic vegetable dyes. A kilim rug adds visual interest to any space—its beautiful, unique patterns can change a room’s aesthetic. It can even serve as a focal point; you can hang a kilim rug as a wall tapestry. 

If you’re wondering how to incorporate a kilim rug in your home décor, look no further. We have rounded up ways you can use a kilim rug to spruce up different areas in your home—keep reading to get inspired!

Give Your Room a Splash of Color

Kilim rugs are perfect for adding color to neutral-toned kitchens. It also makes standing and prepping food a little more comfortable because the plushness of these rugs provides a little warmth and cushioning for your feet.

Choose a rug with a dark background if you’re concerned about staining from food particles. It’s relatively easy to wash a kilim rug. For dry dirt, you can use a broom or a vacuum. Meanwhile, if you need to get wet particles out, you can scrub the rug over gravel or grass. Never wash your rug over tiles or in a washing machine, as it’ll cause the colors to bleed and the wool to fray.

You can also use kilim rugs in your living room. A well-chosen rug can elevate your space and change its atmosphere. Alternatively, you can create a rustic vibe with a jute rug and matching accessories—it’s all up to you!

Layer Your Kilim Rugs for Texture

Don’t limit yourself to using one rug per room—you can layer Moroccan rugs and create unexpected combinations. Having three or four rugs in complementary colors is perfect; you can use more for larger rooms. 

A tip for creating combinations: use ones in the same color family with different patterns. Keep in mind that the rugs should have the same “visual weight,” and be in the same style.

Use Kilim Rugs for DIYs and Small Spaces

If you have an old bench, pillows, or a chair that needs an upgrade, a kilim rug is your best bet. It’s easy to use this type of rug for a quick DIY. Remember to pick a rug that matches your interiors’ color palette and style. Alternatively, you can choose a vibrant rug, especially if your room leans toward muted, monochromatic tones.

Kilim rugs are also great for brightening up nooks and small areas like bathrooms and bedroom floors. Just make sure to choose a rug smaller than the floor area—you want an accent piece, not carpeting!


A kilim rug is an all-around piece that can give any room depth and make it more interesting. Beyond making your home look beautiful, buying this kind of floor covering means sharing the history and heritage of another culture. If you want to be intentional about the things you bring into your home, you won’t go wrong with buying an organic, fair trade kilim rug.

Atlas Weavers is your premier source of Kilim Moroccan rugs. We aim to preserve the Berber heritage and traditional weaving techniques by supporting the artisan weaving communities that produce these rugs. Browse our catalog or contact us to learn more!


Thursday 8 July 2021

3 Most Common Rug Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Rugs are a vital part of our home, serving as a subtle yet valuable part of the decor. While many homeowners rely on more oversized furniture and ornaments to adorn their homes, some people choose rugs to make a statement, particularly one that will bring out the beauty of their home in surprising ways.

Authentic Moroccan rug


Unfortunately, people often make mistakes with their rugs that seem harmless and unnoticeable at first glance yet end up being disadvantageous to the overall appearance of their indoors. They are all honest mistakes, of course, since rugs are a bit tricky to work with when managing aesthetics, but they are also avoidable.

If you want to invest in rugs soon, take note of the common rug mistakes and the different ways to avoid them—all listed below:

  • Placing Them Directly on the Floor

  • It doesn’t matter what your floors are made of. Whether they’re made of wood, cement, or tiles, you should not place rugs directly on their surface. Don’t get us wrong—there are no errors to be made in placing your rugs on the floor, but some rug designs may not suffice when it comes to accentuating your floors. 

    You may need to play something underneath them to accomplish a layered form of aesthetic. Carpets and other rugs are an excellent way to mix and match colors, but make sure to lay them out flat, or you will create a walking hazard in the process.

  • Buying the Wrong Rug Size

  • As with all works of art, size can matter. Buying a wrong-sized rug may be disadvantageous since it may either be too big or too small for the placement that you are trying to achieve. Measure your floor space and choose a rug that will complement it properly. 

    If you wish to apply the first pointer, buy a couple of smaller rugs and layer them on top of one another, making sure that they are all placed flat with no creases. You may also choose a bigger one to take up the whole space, though that will only result in you having one option to place in that spot.

  • Buying a Rug at the Wrong Time

  • People often buy a rug late into the decoration process, hoping to arrange their furniture and wall decors first before tending to their floors. The thing is, you don’t have to wait until the end to buy a rug—you can decorate your floors simultaneously with the other parts of your home. 

    Just make sure that the colors you will use will complement and emphasize the beauty of your indoors and that no decor overpowers the other!


    It is not uncommon for people to make mistakes with their rug choices. The most important thing is that they will learn from it and choose the right type of rugs the next time around. 

    Knowing how to choose the best rugs for their house will save them time and help them practice their designing skills and aesthetics instincts in the process, bringing out the best of their home.

    With these tips in mind, you are now ready to choose the correct rugs for your home! Our fine collection of authentic Moroccan rugs here at Atlas Weavers are some of the best that you can find in the market today. Contact us if you have a specific size or design in mind—we’ll guide you to the right one!


    Thursday 1 July 2021

    A Guide to Finding and Identifying Authentic Moroccan Rugs

    The beauty of any house is how it can be styled differently to express the owner’s personality. You can even achieve a different look for a room and create another one for the other room. The furniture and accessories say so much about an interior. Fortunately, Moroccan rugs can be a perfect final touch in many styles and preferences. 

    Finding the right rug may be intimidating if you are not an interior designer and have no knowledge about rugs. However, that is not an excuse not to get an impressive Moroccan rug for your room. If you need a guide in finding authentic Moroccan rugs, this article will give you some helpful tips.


    How to Know If It Is a Moroccan Style Rug

    Moroccan rugs are a product of Morocco’s indigenous people, who have been hand-weaving carpets, textiles, and weaves for generations. People worldwide love their distinct and incredibly beautiful designs. The rugs are made of excellent wool, making them ultra-comfortable and soft. The Moroccan rug represents rich history and culture. Each comes with unique designs, colors, and patterns that make them stand out. 

    If you want to distinguish it from other traditional rugs, here are some of its primary characteristics:

  • Their Thickness Varies

  • There is no particular thickness when it comes to Moroccan rugs. They vary depending on where they are woven. People living in high mountainous areas experience colder temperatures, so they prefer thicker rugs to give them warmth. On the other hand, some indigenous Moroccans live in hotter places, create thinner and flatter rugs for just the right amount of protection from the sun. 

  • They Are Customizable

  • In terms of size, they also vary. However, the most commonly made rugs are within five to seven feet in width and three to ten meters in length. This size limitation makes it easier to transport the product to different locations. Fortunately, you may request a custom size if you have a special preference. 

  • They Come in Unique Patterns and Colors

  • If you want to find the Moroccan rug that you saw in another house, please be warned that you may not find the exact same piece. Morrocan rugs are hand-woven; no two products are alike. Furthermore, the making of each rug is the creator’s way of retelling their stories in the most detailed, colorful, and creative way, which makes every rug special. 

    The Most Common Designs You Would Encounter

    Although Morrocan rugs are unique, they can still be categorized, depending on their patterns. Here are the two most common ones you might encounter:

  • Beni Ourain: If you want elegant-looking designs with simple geometric patterns in neutral colorways, this collection is for you. Rugs under this category make any space look luxurious.

  • Azilal: Rugs under this collection would make any room look warm and cozy because of their bold and bright colors and irregular patterns. The designs in this category depict what it is like living in the Azilal region, from farming to marriage and giving birth, in a beautifully crafted piece. 

  • Conclusion

    Moroccan rugs are not just rugs. They are works of art you can display in your homes. If you want to get the best Moroccan rug for your home, you must be sure that the piece is authentic. It would give your house that quality look, and it is a way of supporting and preserving indigenous traditions and art. 

    If you want an authentic Moroccan woven rug, check our collection here at Atlas Weavers. We are a premier supplier of Moroccan rugs offering various pieces to choose from. Our company is committed to protecting and preserving the centuries-old traditions of Moroccan women while ensuring you get the finest and durable textiles for your home. Get yours now!


    Custom Moroccan Kilim for Jess Keys

      Today I’m excited to share a post that is VERY overdue–I get so many questions about my living room rug , and I’ve never had an FAQ’s p...